26 November 2022

Photo Collage In GIMP

Photo Collage In GIMP
Photo collage is a picture that is a combination of other photographs in a canvas so as to create an exciting new picture. The simplest collages maybe is a photo collage that form a grid. The following is a tutorial on how to make a grid photo collage in GIMP. All photos used in this GIMP tutorial are taken from Pixabay. Let's get started:

1. Create a New Document
Select File> New to create a new document. I will create a new document with 1350 pixels height and width.
Create a new document.
Create a new document.

2. Create a Vertical Guide and Horizontal Guide
To make our work easier, create guides by choosing Image>Guides>New Guide ... I'm going to create 450 pixels and 900 pixels guides on both horizontal and vertical.
Create guides.
Create guides.

3. Place Photo Into Grid
Choose File>Open as Layers, click the photo you want to add, then click the Open button.
Click on the image and then click Open button.
Click on the image and then click Open button.

4. Adjust The Photo Using Transform Tool
Choose Tools>Transform Tool>Scale. Click on the width's and height's arrow to resize your image fits in the guide. Choose Tools>Transform Tool>Move and then adjust your picture's position in canvas using mouse.
Set using Transform tool.
Set using Transform tool.

5. Make Selection Then Duplicate Layer
Click the icon Rectangular Marquee Tool. Create a selection in accordance with the photo box limit guide. Then duplicate the layer by choosing Edit>Copy followed by choosing Edit>Paste into and Layer>To New layer. You can delete the original layer.
Rectangle Select Tool.
Rectangle Select Tool.

Make a selection and then duplicate the layer.
Make a selection and then duplicate the layer.

Delete the original layer.
Delete the original layer.

6. Add Layer Style Stroke
I will choose foreground color with white color. With the selection still active, choose Edit>Stroke Selection. I will fill the size by 30 pixels. Click Stroke button.
Add a stroke.
Add a stroke.

7. Repeat steps 3 until step 6 For All Photos
Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 until all photos are arranged to form a grid photo collage. Clear guides by choosing Image>Guides>Remove All guides.
Photo collage grid.
Photo collage grid.

Here is the result:
How to make a grid photo collage in GIMP.
How to make a grid photo collage in GIMP.

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